The life of any Christian community is Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Spirit, Christ’s life touches others bringing healing and hope, comfort and peace forgiveness and love. The following pages describe some of the Holy Spirit’s life in this parish.
Through these groups and their many and varied activities the faith of the church comes alive. Members of the parish and those beyond are invited to participate in these ministries or to suggest other means by which we can be a sign of Christ’s life and love in the world.. All inquiries about these groups can be directed towards the Parish Office.
I congratulate all those who have assisted in compiling this information and I pray that we may be inspired to share more fully in the life and worship of the parish.
May Sts Augustine, Monica and Mother Mary of the Cross MacKillop pray for us.
Fr. Noyichan M. Antony MCBS
Our parish plans and organises...
- Parish Priest
- Parish Secretary at the Parish Office
- Pastoral Ministry Co-ordinator
- Parish Pastoral Council
- Parish Finance Council
- Collectors and Counters
Our parish worships....
- Mass Co-ordinators: weekends and weekdays
- Lay liturgy leaders
- Altar society
- Altar servers
- Proclaimers of the Word and Commentators
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Music ministry
- Liturgy committee
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- Hospitality Ministry and Welcomers
Our parish prays....
- Divine Will Prayer Group
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Rosary
- Ecumenically with Border Council of Churches
Our parish teaches...
- Preparation for Baptism
- Preparation for First Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
- Religious Instruction in State Schools
- St Augustine’s Primary School
- St Augustine’s Outside School Hours Care
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
- Parish Journal Augustine & Monica
Our parish cares...
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- Youth Ministry and Social Justice Crew
- Care and Concern
- Funeral Catering Group
- Visitation and Communion to the sick at home, in hospitals and in nursing homes
- Welcome team for new parishioners
Our parish plays....
- Indoor Bowlers
- Table Tennis